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Voucher Integration

Payment Flow Diagram

Fetch Vouchers Pending Export​

GET /vouchers/external/export/vouchers?page=1&limit=10

Example result:
"id": "string",
"parentId": "string",
"clientId": "string",
"invoiceId": "string",
"originalCurrency": "string",
"topic": "string",
"type": "string",
"description": "string",
"transactionDate": "2016-06-06",
"externalInformation": {
"id": "string",
"series": "string",
"financialYearId": "string",
"status": "string",
"integrationId": "string"
"comment": "string",
"documents": [
"name": "string"
"postings": [
"id": "string",
"accountId": "string",
"accountNumber": "string",
"externalAccountNumber": "string",
"accountCode": "string",
"exchangeRate": 0,
"exchangeRateSource": "string",
"transactionInformation": "string",
"debit": 0,
"credit": 0
"series": "string"

Mark a Voucher as Exported​

Once the voucher has been created in your bookkeeping system, mark it as exported in the Quiddly Platform. The voucher will no longer be pending export, and thus no longer be included in above GET request.

PUT /vouchers/{id}/external/export 

Required body
"externalId": "string" // your external if for the voucher (required), and made for easier troubleshooting between the systems.

Mark a Voucher as Booked​

If the voucher could be booked correctly in your bookkeeping system, mark it as booked in the Quiddly Platform. This is the "good" end-state of a Voucher meaning that no further action is needed.

PUT /vouchers/{id}/external/bookkeep

Required body
"externalInformationId": "string", // your voucher id required field
"externalInformationSeries": "string", // your voucher series required field
"externalInformationFinancialYearId": "string" // your voucher financial year required field

Mark a Voucher as Failed​

If the voucher could not be booked correctly in your bookkeeping system, mark it as failed in the Quiddly Platform. This is the "bad" end-state of a Voucher, and will require user intervention to resolve.

PUT /vouchers/{id}/external/bookkeep

Required body
"errorMessage": "string", // information why the voucher failed